IMRAD Format Research: Master The IMRAD Format For Publication Success
What will you learn?
- Structure a manuscript in the recommended IMRAD format
- The purpose of each section of your research manuscript
- How to write different sections as per the IMRAD structure
- Checks and balances to ensure success in research writing
Course Description
Academic writing involves a meticulous record of experiments, results, observations, and conclusions. To ensure research findings are communicated in a consistent manner, scholars use the IMRAD (an acronym for ‘Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion’) structure, which is also the dominant format for research papers in a majority of leading scientific journals.
This well-planned program demystifies the IMRAD structure and tells you how you can use it to organize ideas and write a concise, effective research manuscript, without missing out on critical information. You will learn about the purpose and intent of different sections, and the key elements to include in each section. By the end of the course, you will be able to craft a masterful manuscript that allows editors and reviewers to quickly evaluate manuscripts and helps peers easily locate key data without reading the entire paper.
What topics will you cover?
- Introduction
- Objectives of this program
- The IMRAD structure
- Writing the introduction Section
- Writing the methods Section
- Writing the results Section
- Writing the discussion Section
- Summary
- Check your understanding
Course Narrator
Dr. Christina Cho, United States, Cancer biologist, freelance scientific and medical writer
Christina Cho, PhD is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Pennsylvania, and is investigating the molecular mechanisms driving the development and progression of colorectal and pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas. She’s spent the last ten years working in academic research, developing a range of skills that will help her lead a research laboratory. Her skills include the ability to independently develop and execute experiments, lead research projects, teach and train junior postdocs and students, write manuscripts and grants, and give oral presentations in both intramural and extramural conferences.
Your Instructor
Part of Cactus Communications’ R ecosystem of tools and solutions for researchers, Upskill is a learning platform that comprises of the largest collection of researcher-focused programs, developed by top academic experts. Learn anytime, anywhere with bite-sized online programs on research writing, journal publication, career development, science communication, funding, researcher wellness, and more. Our multi-format programs come with expert advice, practical examples, and a certificate on course completion, which allow researchers to apply what they’ve learnt to excel in real-world scenarios. Trusted by top academic institutions, and over 15,000 researchers, Upskill empowers researchers to master new skills on the path to all-round researcher success.