References, co-author approval, and more

When you revise your paper, many things are bound to change. You might add a few studies to your literature review, your reference list could change, author details might change especially if they have moved, there might be additional factors you have had to consider, and so on. Your revision should reflect every change you have had to make in order to resubmit your paper and that is what Prof. Mcloughlin addresses here.

Quick recap

Let’s revisit the tips Prof. Mcloughlin shared in this lecture:

Want to know more about the DOI?

With more and more research papers getting published every day, it often seems difficult, almost impossible, to keep track of research that is published or made available online. Moreover, when web pages get updated and links to published articles break, they are no longer available for viewing. DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) make it easy to keep track of and trace research publications and scientific data. But what are DOIs? How do they work? And how do they benefit researchers? This infographic answers all basic questions about DOIs and tells you how you can use them. You can also download a copy of the infographic for future reference.

Do you have anything to add?

Can you think of anything else that authors might need to check at the revision stage? Feel free to share your views with us.

Know more about DOIs_Editage Insights.pdf
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